
News & Insights

Desiree Jeffrey

Boulder Real Estate Market Stats: October 2023

Boulder Real Estate Market Stats | October 2023 | PorchLight Real Estate Group

If you wanted to buy and close on a home in Boulder hopefully by Thanksgiving and definitely by Christmas, October was the month to make it happen. While new, detached single-family listings decreased from 143 to just 66 last month, Boulder sales increased slightly month-over-month and by 19.7% compared to the same time period in 2022. 

Holiday Survival Guide: Tips for Cooking & More

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While many people look forward to the holiday season and spending time with family and friends, others are likely experiencing a bit of dread. Along with cherished traditions like feasting on an elaborate meal and indulging in too much pie, the holidays can be a time of high expectations (especially if you’re hosting), uncomfortable family reunions, and seemingly inevitable conversations that escalate into arguments. 

Boulder Real Estate Market Stats: September 2023

Boulder Real Estate Market Stats | September 2023 | PorchLight Real Estate Group

Between higher interest rates and typical seasonal slowing, single-family home sales in the city of Boulder decreased by 10.5% compared to the prior year despite remaining steady month-over-month. Activity in the condo/townhome segment also dropped from 65 sales in August to just 45 in September. That's also 25% below sales figures for 2022.

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