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17 Home Inspections for Buyers and Sellers

Whether buying or selling a home, there are a lot of factors that can come into play which is why home inspections are important. While most buyers have a wish list that includes a certain number of bedrooms and bathrooms, looking for a home with no asbestos issues or old lead paint on the walls isn't necessarily on that list.

As for sellers looking for a quick sale and top dollar, they want to present their home in the best light and stand out from other homes on the market. Whether they've recently restored their chimney or completely updated the HVAC, being able to present this information to potential buyers can help them achieve their goals.

That's where home inspections come in, and not just the standard inspection that most buyers use to check on the health of a home before buying. In fact, there a number of optional inspections that both buyers and sellers can use to reveal the structural integrity, and ultimately, the value of a home. Buyers may want to negotiate the price if foundation problems are discovered. And sellers may ask for a higher price than other comparable homes if they've just completed an energy audit or have a professionally certified roof.

Here are 17 home inspections that a buyer or seller can request.

  1. General Inspection: A visual look at HVAC, plumbing, electrical, roof, attic, floors, windows, doors, foundation, basement, cosmetic and other components.

  2. Re-Inspection: Inspector or licensed contractor will re-inspect all items on inspection report to confirm that they’ve been completed to professional standards

  3. Sewer Scope: Video inspection of the sewer line from the house to the main sewer. It can find blockages, cracks, invading tree roots, and other issues. 

  4. Radon: Basements, crawl spaces and main floors are tested for radon which has been known to cause lung cancer if exposed over long periods of time. 

  5. Mold: This valuable home inspection includes an evaluation to identify possible sources and signs of mold, from visible water damage to areas with excess humidity. May take air/surface samples. 

  6. Chimney: Looks for proper chimney and fireplace venting, structural integrity and creosote buildup which can combust and cause a fire. 

  7. Lead Paint: For homes built prior to January 1, 1978, an inspection will check surfaces to determine if and where lead paint is present. 

  8. Asbestos: A professional will provide an initial visual inspection, gather samples, have them tested and deliver a report on the findings. 

  9. Methamphetamine Assessment: For screening level, a certified consultant will complete a site inspection and take samples. If there’s a suspicion that meth was produced or used, an in-depth “preliminary” assessment can be conducted.* 

  10. HVAC: For this home inspection, a technician will thoroughly review and test heating and cooling equipment, as well as whole-home indoor air quality systems.

  11. Roof Certification: A roof’s condition will be fully inspected and if no repairs are needed, it will be certified for 2-5 years based on the expected lifespan. 

  12. Well & Septic: The well system will be checked for volume/pressure, proper construction and working parts. Water will be tested to ensure safety. All septic tank components and interior will then be inspected and the drain field tested. 

  13. Structural: A civil or structural engineer can assist with concerns regarding the foundation, load-bearing walls, additions and the general integrity of a home. 

  14. Pest: An inspector checks the exterior and interior of a home for signs of damage, an active infestation and areas that attract pests. 

  15. Energy Audit: A simple, visual home inspection covers everything between the foundation and the roof, including the HVAC, water heater, doors and windows, appliances and lighting. The cost may be offset by rebates from Xcel Energy. 

  16. Solar Panel: A technician will evaluate the overall efficiency and performance, then inspect components and visually check for damage. 

  17. CLUE Report: This property insurance report shows claims made in the last 7 years. Numerous claims may lead to a buyer paying a higher premium. 

As you can see, there's a lot that you can assess with optional home inspections. To download a printable version of this list, along with approximate price ranges for each of these services, click here


*More info: environmentalrecords.colorado.gov/HPRMWebDrawerHM/RecordView/410409


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